Monday, November 17, 2008

Hey, everybody, Kevin just led me through the mine field and I made it to the blog. Aren't you impressed? I don't know if I can do it again but I will try. Mom left for SCL this morning and Kevin started basketball practices today. I taught my usual racquetball classes, getting finished and out of the school by around 3:30 or so. For supper we made homemade macaroni and cheese, and some tomato, too. We have enough to share if anybody can come...
Not much exciting is happening except that we are having a beautiful fall. The weather - we can talk about the weather?- has been amazing. It is still warm enough to wear shirt sleeves during the day, although it does get cold at night and in the mornings. I have put a lot of split firewood in the woodshed for cold winter nights so Mom, Kevin and I can snuggle by the fire in the basement. If the weather holds we will have a full winter supply in before we need it. Mom has winterized the yard, blowing all the leaves out of the cracks and crevices and we got them all bagged up so they won't spread around again - CAMELOT!
Once I figure this out I will be consistent. Until then..
Love - DAD
I will not be mooning anyone this week because I figure out how to get on the blog ha ha (WITH HELP FROM THE MASTER OF THE HOUSE )

its has been a great week kevin made the basketball team and so did all of his buddies so he is very happy

I got all the leaves off the lawn again wash the front windows made cookie dough shop all the sales at albertsons had 40 people to dinner now i am getting ready to drive to slc about three am so i can work and get a hair cut this week

we also had a elves christmas work shop this week for R.S I made brownies three times before getting them right Will tell you the story at christmas

well a least Iwont be the one mooning anyone today thank goodness I love you all be good and do what is right ok ok love mom